Full On Line Access

Medical Record Online Access

If you are 16 or over, you can apply for access your medical record online through the NHS App and other third party options. You can search for these via the app store on your mobile device or computer. 

For the NHS App, you do not need to come to the surgery. You can register and verify your ID from home. Once you have access, contact the surgery here and, after we check your details, we will enable your online services. 

For other applications, you may need a pin from us. To obtain this, please come into the surgery with photographic identification. If you do not have photographic identification, please come to the surgery and we will explain the next steps to enable you to have access to your medical record online. 

Proxy Access

When somebody else has permission to access your medical record online, we call this Proxy Access. This could be a parent who has access to their child's record or a carer for an elderly relative. There are strict rules about who can access your record and the final decision will be made by the GP practice. 

For children under 11

If you already have access to your own medical record, please complete a Patch requesting access to your children's record. If you do not have an account, please come into the surgery with photographic ID and speak to reception. 

For children aged 11-15

For the purposes of confidentiality, we do not allow children aged 11-15 to have online access to the medical record including repeat medication. If you need to order repeat medication for this age group, you can do this via Patchs. You just need to add them as a 'person you care for'.  and type in what medication it is you require for them via the admin request option. 

For Adults

If you would like another person to have access to your medical record, please complete a Patch including their details, relationship to you and why you think they need access to your record.

If someone you care for does not have the capacity to consent to you having access to their record, then you may still apply for proxy access. It is likely that you will need Power of Attorney and we will require proof of this for our records so please come to the surgery and speak to reception.