New Patient Registration

Please follow the steps below in order to register as a patient at Mather Avenue Surgery:

1. Check you live within the Practice's catchment area.

The practice has a catchment area within which it can accept new patients and you must live within its boundaries.

2. Complete registration and health check forms

The registration form is also available from reception and will ask you for personal details such as your name, address, date of birth, telephone number, previous address and doctor. This information helps the Primary Care Trust to quickly trace your medical records and send them to your new surgery. The Health Check Questionnaire will ask you for some basic, lifestyle and allergy questions, so we can provide the best service possible from the start. You can also print off a registration form, fill it in and bring it to the surgery.

Registration Form

3. Placement on the Practice List

Once you have completed and signed the forms bring them along to the surgery

Accountable GP

The practice has a requirement to assign an ‘Accountable GP’ to all patients on the practice list. All patients will be assigned to a GP in the practice and this will be recorded on their medical record as their Usual GP’.

Patients will be advised of who their assigned Accountable Usual GP is when they join the practice. All currently registered patients are to be advised of their assigned Accountable/Usual GP in such a manner as is considered appropriate by the practice. In circumstances where a patient’s assigned Accountable/Usual GP is not able to carry out the duties of accountable GP for any significant period of time (other than normal periods of leave) then the practice will be required to assign patients to a replacement Accountable/Usual GP and to give patients notice of the assignment accordingly.

Should a patient express a preference as to which general medical practitioner within the practice they would prefer to have as their assigned Accountable/Usual GP then the practice will make reasonable efforts to accommodate the request. Requests to change an assigned Accountable/Usual GP should be made in writing to the Practice Manager.


Guide to GP Services

More information about GP surgeries can be found here.